A Look Into the Vital Importance of The Black Student Union
March 28, 2023
Of the many clubs that North Hollywood high school has, Black Student Union is one of the most significant and influential groups on campus. Focusing on educating the student body on important African American events is crucial to the members and staff of BSU.

BSU is a place for students to openly plan and discuss events or assemblies in efforts to cultivate the students of North Hollywood on black history and achievements.
“During BSU meetings we usually plan upcoming activities we’re hosting to inspire other black peers, and create exercises such as the door decorating contest, ” Reegan Kuzniar, BSU treasurer explains.
This February, in honor of Black history month, BSU held a contest to create expressiveness within North Hollywood’s student body concerning African culture.
“The purpose was to have students take the time to recognize at least one aspect of black culture and struggle or success if only for a minute, ” describes Kuzniar, “Classes were allowed total creative freedom so they could educate themselves on black history and learn facts they weren’t previously taught.”
“BSU is extremely important, especially at this school considering black people are a prominent minority and it’s just nice to be able to have our voices heard, and collaborate on whatever creative ideas we want to bring to light” Kuzniar affirms.
Rock Edwards, a member of the club, expresses the relevance that BSU has on the students on campus, explaining that “Growing up my parents always really wanted me to be more exposed to black culture and other black peers around me”.
Edwards goes on to say that “BSU really helps you feel more connected to your community, and has been one of the biggest things that’s allowed me to feel more true to who I am. The activities are also really fun where we get to learn and teach about black history.” he explains.
“Some of the upcoming events include the BSAP fair on Saturday March 4th and the BSU potluck this coming month” states Brendan Simson, member of BSU.
The Black Student Achievement Plan (BSAP) is an LAUSD program focused on highlighting the immense struggles and successes of black communities, specifically African American LAUSD students. BSAP aims to support and guide students academically and personally.
“I hope people can recognize and appreciate how hard the BSU members are working to create such opportunities for black students on campus.” Jordan Sales, member of Black Student Union states.
President of BSU, D’ani Gumbs noted that Black student Union is a detrimental club ” It shows diversity and welcomes students to a safe space where they can make friends, make family, and feel welcome to exploring black culture. She further states that “Even if they’re not black they can experience an important sense of community.”
The BSAP fair, hosted by BSU is one of the club’s multiple events utilized to support black students and implement community growth during black history month. BSU not only holds informative and influential assemblies, but also attempts to improve the district with more cultural education and more community based resources for black students. The club actively gives students on campus a sense of support/community, and greatly impacts the school’s education on the importance of black history.