After months of patiently waiting, the results of the Junior Council Election are officially in! Our 2024-25 board members are Eunice Choi as President, Tess Park as Vice President, Gyubin Kim as Secretary, Emma Shanakian as Treasurer, Elizabeth Rosales as Sergeant of Arms, as well as Milan Mancini and Lilianna Escobar as Public Relations.
Student Council is defined as a group of students that are elected by the board of the previous junior council members, gathered to address issues and concerns as well as to organize student events. About 15 students are admitted and seven have the chance to become board members.
President Eunice Choi says, “I’ve always wanted to be more involved with school activities and be a part of a leadership team that plans and manages class events.” In addition, Choi says she likes the intimacy of only focusing on the class of 2025 rather than the whole school.
Furthermore, she’s always had her eye on the Presidency role, saying, “I was aiming for President, but wanted to get a feel of Student Council before choosing….” Some of her responsibilities include, “…figuring out what we need to do for the day and distributing roles. I also communicate with the senior class president…”
Our president recommends joining StuCo to any upcoming juniors, saying, “StuCo is such a good opportunity to develop your leadership team working skills.” Right now Choi says, “We’ve started planning our prom, which is probably one of the biggest and most exciting events for our class.”
Tess Park, the Vice President states, “I was inspired to join Student Council because I always thought it would be fun to plan events and have a leadership role in school.” Before elections, Park thought running for Vice President would be unrealistic, but she shares what motivated her: “I was motivated to run for Vice President mainly because of the amount of responsibility it takes.”
Park shares the responsibility of the Vice President, saying, “… I help plan and organize events and take the place of the president when she is not there.” She recommends joining Student Council because, “… it helps you meet more people.”

Our Secretary Gyubin Kim shares that, “The community of Student Council was to me the most compelling factor in my reason for application.” Kim admired the work of previous Student Council members and wanted to be a part of it. Kim says secretary was the board position that resonated with her: “…I view Secretary to be the organizer, and I feel like I am a pretty organized person.”
Sharing what the Secretary does, she says, “…I’m in charge of recording most of the things that go on during meetings.” This is done to avoid confusion and miscommunication. Overall Kim recommends joining Student Council saying, “… it’s a really fun social environment.”
Our Sergeant of Arms Elizabeth Rosales shares , “I wanted to join a leadership group that allows me to become more active in the school’s activities.” At first Rosales said, “I was not interested in running for Sergeant of Arms.” She revealed that she was intimidated by the possible candidates, and was unsure of the responsibility.
After a conversation with the Senior Class President, she says, “Jocelyn did not consider running for president until she pushed herself to do the unexpected.” This conversation motivated her to run for Sergeant of Arms.
Rosales says, “I am in charge of keeping the class working and helping maintain peace within the class. Elizabeth Rosales recommends joining Student Council to upcoming juniors, saying, “…it builds new bonds and friendships.”
Milan Mancini, our Co-Public Relations has always wanted to be in Student Council. She says, “What ultimately inspired me to join Student Council was to be a part of the school community and essentially have a bigger role in it.”
Mancini says, “When I got into Student Council, I was pretty set on not running for any position, but that all changed when I was tasked with posting on the class of 2025 instagram page.” Mancini shares the responsibilities of PR, saying, “… I have to keep the entire class of 2025 up to date with any activities or events that are to come, posting on instagram…”
Overall Mancini recommends joining Student Council to any junior. She says, “…It’s a great way to make new friends and be more involved with school decisions, or specifically your grade.”

Lily Rivera, our Co-Public Relations says, “The idea of being part of the leading group at my school is what initially motivated me to apply to Student Council.” Rivera has always wanted to be a Historian or PR. She says, “…my friends and classmates motivated me even more to run for the position.”
Some of the responsibilities of PR include, “… managing the time to design the flyers and informational posts for the instagram account, and taking pictures at events.” Rivera says she recommends Student Council to people who are, “… creative and responsible and want to meet new people with similar academic goals as you.”
Our Treasurer Emma Shanakian says, “I was inspired to join Student Council because of the want to be involved in the decision making process of class of 2025.” Shanakian says, “…numbers have always been my strong suit so I always knew I would run for treasurer.”
Sharing some of her Treasurer’s responsibilities, she says, “…I keep track of the money we make from fundraisers and get in contact with different places we want to collaborate with.” Overall she greatly recommends joining Student Council because, “… it’s a great way to get involved.