Huskies girls’ soccer currently stands with an overall win-loss-tie rate of 3-3-1 and 2-2-1 in the East Valley league. This leaves huskies with a 50% win rate and a ranking of 4th in the East Valley Girls Soccer league.

On January 12, 2024 Huskies went against their biggest rival, Poly’s Lady Parrots.
Poly currently has a win-loss rate of 1-3, giving them the ranking of 6th place in the East Valley League.
Huskies went to Poly with an open mindset based on Poly’s rough 2023-24 season stats and their wins against them last season (6-0 and 9-0). Huskies took the information and turned it into confidence, proving they’d win.
However, the Huskies were unfortunately wrong; they lost 3-0. Huskies fought hard, but Poly’s Parrots fought harder.
As the game progressed Huskies never gave up and continued to put their all towards catching up. The energy during the game was alive as it had several parents on the edge of their seats.
Number 20, Clarissia Castanon, expresses a hardship the team faced was, “…we didn’t have the same usual players for our starting 11 and it affected the way we played.”
These changes weren’t naked to the eye–even the parents in the crowd were able to catch on.

Number 19, Emelie Aparicio’s Mom, had expressed her thoughts on the game. “If the girls are either defense, center, or whatever, they aren’t allowed to go beyond, and I disagree with that. I feel that if they’re needed, they need to learn to go.”
Despite the drive to Poly and extreme cold weather, Aparicio’s mom continued cheering for both her excitement and frustration on different calls. She continues to express her concerns about the small crowd supporting Huskies. “More parents need to come support the students, but maybe with the three day weekend parents left out of town,” she said.
The referees seemed to not only seem unfair to the parents, but to Huskies on the field as well.
Number 16, Valerie Fuentes, had received a yellow card for causing a penalty. She expresses her feelings on the call saying, “I didn’t feel mad, but just annoyed I had to sit out for spent time.”
Even after a rough rival lost, Huskies aren’t giving up.
Castanon expressed her prediction for the next game against Poly on January 31, 2024. “I think we have a better chance at beating them next time because we will come back stronger.”
With more practice and effort, Huskies will come back stronger in preparation for their next game against Poly.