Until recently, boys volleyball has been up in the air, with many unanswered questions revolving around coaches, tryouts, and more. However, Huskies at North Hollywood High School recently had a breakthrough, with a plethora of information regarding the boys volleyball season.
In addition to information gathered from returning players of the sport, interviewing Kevyn Cruz, last year’s coach of boys volleyball, has provided further insight on what the 2024 season holds for the team.
One of the main questions that have been circulating the school has been when the season will begin.
Talking to Cruz, he says, “Tryouts are scheduled to be January 23rd and 24th,” and during an informative meeting, practices were said to begin about a week after tryouts.

Coaching has also yet to be confirmed. Cruz says, “I definitely want to…” but adds, “I may not, just because I’m getting a new position…” Although there are questions regarding the topic of coaching, the season is definite.
Returning players are eager to jump back into the world of volleyball. Many players practiced during the offseason to debut their skills during tryouts, and to win a spot on the team.
Returner Parker Gantt was beyond excited when winter break practices for returners only were announced. Gantt says, “It was like a reunion to see all my friends from last year, and get to play with one another again!”
Evan Crews, a former player says, “I’ve been practicing with my ball during off season constantly.” While he was unable to make returner practices due to illness, he still put in the work to be prepared for tryouts.
This year, tryouts were held later than last year. Crews reminds us, “Last year tryouts were held before winter break, and I was practicing with my full team during winter break…so this year things are more pushed back.”

Many returning players were confused if they would have a season, knowing the pace at which tryouts were last year. However, these rumors were squashed at the January 12th informational meeting.
The possibility of new coaches adds uncertainty to the season’s future, but Crews says, “I’m excited for the possibility of other coaches’ perspectives that will make me a better player.”
Overall the 2024 Boys Volleyball Season is definitely in the near future. After January 24th, our new team of Huskies will lead us through the season, under the guidance of a soon-to-be decided coach!