The spring semester Club Rush was on March 08, 2024.
Club Rush is a massive fundraising opportunity that many clubs participate in to help fund their activities. This is why such a long list of clubs act to get their names out there and raise money.
Clubs such as UNICEF, Art Club, Key Club, SAS, and many others offer different goods for varying amounts of tickets. Tickets all cost one dollar, and goods cost 1 or more tickets.
The lineup of clubs has changed this semester in order to accommodate the large range of clubs here at school. This semester’s Club Rush was much smaller than the previous one. During the fall semester’s Club Rush, there were 50 participating clubs, while there were only 20 participating clubs in this Club Rush.

In the days leading up to the event, ASB was selling tickets in advance to help streamline the process and make it easier to make purchases. They also sold them at the event’s entrance before you reached the stalls the day of.
The L-Quad was packed with students due to Club Rush being relocated from the field, making navigating through the many stands and crowds difficult.
“I think I liked the one on the field better. It was just more organized, and [had] a better setting,” said Ruvalcaba shares.
Jacqueline Vazquez, an ASB member who oversaw the planning of Club Rush, stated, “This semester’s Club Rush was much smaller than usual and [at the] last minute, was moved over to the quad. A lot of our plans were moved around because of administrative calls and the weather.”
In the days leading up to Club Rush, it had rained, which led to the field being closed due to the unstable surface, despite it being sunny and warm the day of Club Rush.
Richard Ruvalcaba, who sold for SAS, said that in spite of Spring Club Rush being moved to the quad, “It was really fun. I met a lot of new [and] cool people,” yet admits, “ … it was just really hot.”

Despite the many differences between the fall and spring semester’s club rush, nonetheless, many students were pleased with being able to support the school community, and found they enjoyed this Club Rush more than the previous semesters’.
Sonya Wiatrak, an HGM junior, commented, “I just wanted to support the local school community.”
Dario Cruz, who sold for Archery Club, said, “It was better than other years because usually other people crowd a lot, but this year there were more people who had a line and did things properly.”
Club Rush can assist not only in raising funds for individual clubs but also in letting the school community grow.
Vazquez excitedly said, “Clubs had a chance to make a lot due to the [small] size of the Club Rush,” she then added, “I love when clubs really benefit from Club Rush cause that’s always the goal.”
Despite the many trials and tribulations, it still proved to be a successful fundraising event for some students and clubs.
Ruvalcaba said when asked about how SAS did, “We did pretty good. We did better than last Club Rush.”
Cruz proudly declares,“We did pretty well. Nearly all of it sold out.”