If you feel like college applications have consumed you, you’re not alone. Multiple North Hollywood High School students have revealed what it’s like going through the tedious and stressful process that comes with pursuing a future in higher education.
Many seniors right now are experiencing the stress of college applications; the long hours of writing essays and filling out personal information aren’t exactly some of the easiest tasks. A student in the Highly Gifted Magnet, Milo Henneman, states, “It’s hard to accurately write about myself, I know who I am, but I just want others to see the best version of me. ” He further goes on to mention how he can stare at his screen for hours, not being able to come up with an accurate description of how he wants to convey himself.
Though college is something that many students look forward to, it also brings mixed emotions as students will be living without their families for the first time in their lives. SAS student Ethan Ifergan states, “Even though I’m very excited to go to college, all these applications can make me think about how I won’t be living at home anymore.”
Being away from home is something that many people fear, the sense of familiarity will be gone, leaving people homesick. HEA student Eduardo Estrada states, “My family is really important to me and the thought of going away definitely gets me a little sick in the stomach.”

Another aspect of applying to college that students have to consider is the financial aspect. This changes the way many students approach the decisions they make when applying, specifically HGM student Jonathan Lehavi-Wildenburg as he states, “Making decisions on what schools I want to apply to has been hard since money is something I have to account for in this process.”
Many feel the pressure to apply to big schools, fulfilling their dreams of getting into a top college, but many are stopped by the idea that applying to bigger schools could end up being a waste of money if rejected.
Although fearing rejection is a part of the process, it doesn’t stop students from doing everything they can to get into their dream schools. Zoo Magnet student Nate Katzman states “Even though the top college I’m applying to is a long shot, I know no matter what I’ll be proud of myself for getting this far.”
As seniors in high school, many struggle to find time, and with college applications that’s what many wish they could have more of. SAS student Julian Stevenson states, “I wish I had more time, everything has gone by so quickly that I feel like I didn’t make the most of my opportunities”. Many relating, looking for the time lost as we simply grow up.
Though early action is not a must, many students feel the pressure of doing them as they want to make sure they have the best chance of getting accepted.
Students have to go through the application process without knowing if they will be accepted, but no one should let one decision devalue their worth. Students are all trying their best as graduating seniors, and although it is not said enough, the class of 2025 has made so many people proud of this journey, from being children in kindergarten to the young adults we are today.