The impact of mass deportation on school campuses is a pressing concern that affects not only individual students, but the educational community. In response to 2025 Presidential-elect Donald Trump’s mass deportation plan, California lawmakers are proposing steps to help protect K-12 students and families.
Since the campaign trail, Trump has promised to pursue a set of even more extreme anti-immigration policies. After the election, rumors progressed about Trump wishing to create more chaos at the border. Furthering his plan to include attacking immigrant families by ending birthright citizenship, ultimately depriving undocumented children of their right to a public education.

Trump’s immigration policies are expected to seem far more cruel, extreme, and damaging to core rights and freedom. In short, these inhumane policies would harm and tear multiple families and communities apart.
As of now, bills AB 49 and SB 48 in the Legislature aim to make it more time consuming for agents to enter schools or day care centers. Bill AB 49, introduced by assembly member Muratsuchi, states, “Existing law prohibits, except as required by state or federal law or as required to administer a state or federally supported educational program, school officials and employees of a school district, county office of education, or charter school from collecting information or documents regarding citizenship or immigration status of pupils or their family members.”
In short, this bill prohibits school officials and employees from allowing an officer or employee of the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to enter a school site for any purpose without a written warrant, valid identification, or a valid judicial warrant. This bill ultimately protects families immigration status and further delay, but not stop arrests.
Similarly, bill SB 48, introduced by Sen. Lena Gonzalez, states, “prohibitions on access, sharing information, and law enforcement collaboration.” Since 2011, federal guidelines discourage agents from making immigration arrests at schools, hospitals, churches, courthouses and other “sensitive locations.” However, as of now Trump’s new Project 2025 aims to eliminate the “sensitive locations.”

As Trump’s immigration plan begins to be put in place, immigrant families feel worried and panicked for what’s next. With very few laws defending them and their rights, some families decide that it may be easier to just travel back to their home country. Others remain at home in fear of going to work or sending their children to school due to the mass ICE raids happening all over the country.
Rumors of arrests and ICE raids have flooded news reports and social media posts. Several advocates in California are mobilizing to protect immigrant communities from potential raids and deportations.
Numerous social media influencers and immigrant rights advocates have been hosting workshops and sharing legal advice ensuring communities know and understand their rights. They provide guidance for the unfortunate situation of immigration enforcement officers showing up at families front doors, schools, or places of employment.
In times of uncertainty and fear, schools should serve as safe havens where students can feel comfortable enough to focus on learning without worrying about facing ICE agents. No student should have to take to social media to express their terror of being torn from their loved ones, or ask for help for deportation threats that can upend their lives.
As Immigration policies become heavily enforced, it’s imperative that we prioritize the well-being and safety of the nations most vulnerable citizens, its children. Shielding schools from ICE not only upholds the fundamental right to education, but also fosters an essential sense of security and belonging for every young mind to thrive.

As unfortunate and unfair it may be, immigrant communities must take it upon themselves to consult additional resources in preparation for any questioning or arrest. Understanding your rights can be used to the best of your advantage and can extremely protect not only your family but the community around you.