The Associated Student Body (ASB), is in charge of the most important events across campus. ASB plays a vital role in promoting school spirit and represent the voice of all students in school. They focus on brining students together to create an inclusive environment for everyone. Behind-the-scenes planning events require a lot of teamwork, creativity, and collaboration.
ASB works in four different committees: Spirit, Event, Public Relations (PR), and Fundraising. Each committee manages different areas and events. For instance, some events that the fundraising committee conducts would be holiday sales. While on the other hand, PR is in charge of prompting the events, such as making TikTok’s.
On account of these committees, ASB can be organized; events can be thoroughly planned and perfectly executed. “ASB has worked very hard. We are at the point where we’ll work together, help each other and we know exactly what is happening during the committees,” Ms. Garcia, the ASB sponsor ads.
The Vice President role in ASB is not considered an easy task. It requires dedication, leadership, and commitment. Here’s a brief look at a typical day of one of the two vice presidents from North Hollywood High’s ASB vice president, junior, Sean Lee.

Lee has been in ASB for all three years of high school. His motivation in running for the VP position is his want to help out the school and make it a positive school experience for all. Nevertheless, his biggest motivation was the past VP, Nayeli Ojeda. “She was just awesome, she’s really nice, really sweet and she’s also really intelligent. So it’s just the way she cared for the whole entire class and I really wanted to have that kind of experience,” Lee reflects.
At the start of the day, Lee checks for any updates from both the president of ASB, Areli Martin, and Ms. Garcia before going into the fourth period, the designated period for ASB. Once he goes into class and everyone is settled, Martin starts the class by discussing what duties each committee has. There’s also a certain schedule that Ms. Garcia sets up which lets committees know what they have to work on and if any big events are coming up. If so, they start working on it ahead of time, about two or three months before. Subsequent to this, they get to work.
Due to the fact that there are two VPs this year, Lee and Tatiana Amaya, they split all four committees among them. For example, Lee administrates both the spirit and fundraising committee and Amaya manages the event and PR committee. Once Martin is done with announcements, Lee and Amaya check in with each of their committees. They then report back to the president of the state of committees and their work. If any of their committees need help in any way they help them.
For example, Lee mentions how the Valentine’s Day grams are coming up and how he helps them in any way he can. “If I’m in spirit then we talk about, for example, the next pep rally, the spring pep rally is coming soon. We then brainstorm how we are going to decorate the gym for the pep rally and stuff like that”, Lee states. Now let’s say they have the theme of the pep rally, they then need to get it approved. It goes through a process, in which it goes through guidelines from the district. Once their ideas are approved they start working on it.
“I’m just kinda like an extra help to be fair, for everyday purposes and I just make posters. Also if the president wants me to write an email to someone from our school. Let’s say to make a Google form, etc. then that’s when I would take it.” Lee reflects. This is what he does for the rest of the period.
“You have them doing TikTok’s, videos, and flyers. While at the same time, you have them doing posters and creating events. There’s always something so we try to work ahead so we catch up”, Ms. Garcia explains. She mentions the fact that they are always working ahead of time so that everything runs smoothly once the time comes.
Events are distributed among grade levels evenly as well. “For example, in the first one, only the juniors and sophomores do it. Then for the second one the seniors work it and then for the last one, everybody does it. For example, tomorrow since the seniors will be absent they have a login for the period that they can be absent so that we will have enough people working” she adds. Once the class is done, if there is something that they weren’t able to finish they would at lunch.
Overall, the role of the VP requires engaging with others and bringing new challenges each day. This position not only requires leadership skills, but also a passion to make an impact within the school community.