Husky Bucks: A School Currency

This is the box where you can submit the husky bucks you collect. It’s located in the main office.

This is the box where you can submit the husky bucks you collect. It’s located in the main office.

Husky bucks, a new form of winning prizes, is wowing everyone. All students have a chance to get husky bucks. By working to better help school morale, you too can get husky bucks. If you get husky bucks, make sure you go to the main office in the Kennedy building to turn it in.

The first round of husky bucks was given out 3 weeks ago. Then another raffle was held.  A total of 20 people had won the first raffle and another 20 people won the next raffle. And what did they win? A free Jimmy John’s lunch provided by North Hollywood High. Delicious!

A couple of students described their experience with this incentive plan. Winner Chan Choi said, “It was fun waiting to see if I was going to win. I won the husky buck through returning a friend’s phone”. Ultimately, the husky buck raffle is based on civility and luck. 

Chan Choi, one of the winners of the husky buck raffle, is with his lunch.

Another student, Nicholas Son, got a husky buck but didn’t win. Son said, “It was disappointing that I didn’t, but I’m happy to be a part of husky bucks. I won the husky buck through my P.E teacher Ms. Rincon”.

But don’t worry, he can always win again, every two weeks it’s possible to win to get fun prizes.

Mrs. Estrada, the faculty member behind the project said “The husky buck was started to support when students do the right thing without being told to do so. We appreciate the good of the students who care for the school and the learning environment”. 

She goes on to say that “All the staff have the husky bucks to reward students for good behavior. The program should be staying for the upcoming years, because it makes the student’s life brighter and keeps them to do good things throughout their lives.”. 

This is the husky buck wall, where the old husky bucks are hung on.

The reason this is a popular idea for better student morale is because it will hopefully help the school community become a friendlier environment. The husky bucks are a great way to help students with a healthier lifestyle and bond between the staff, teachers, and students. The raffle is every two weeks, so look out for the husky bucks, because the prizes are getting better and better.