NHHS ASB President & Vice President Elections

It’s that time of the year where North Hollywood High Schools ASB Students run for President and Vice President positions. Elections will  start on the 25th, and end on the 26th of May. The voting has been considered very intense by students around school to choose the 2 perfect candidates for the election. Danny Barrios, current ASB President mentions how “I’m very positive that everyone running will do a great job since their campaigning has been a success.”

In addition, Nayeli Ojeda and Jeronimo Sorto , both current Juniors running for President and Vice President  share how “I know we’d be great President and Vice President for ASB because we get along really well and have worked together in the past  before so you know we’re a great team, but we also believe that everyone at school should feel like they are a part of our community, and our goal if we win is to make our school more culturally diverse to collaborate and make everyone feel involved instead of being left out.” 

Nayeli also mentions how “We also plan on creating new ways for students to stay up to date with things, because although there are announcements, sometimes not everyone is fully aware of what may be going on, so we also plan on changing the advertising for school activities.”

Although, we also have Juniors, Ashly Figueroa and Areli Martin running for President and Vice as well, and they share that “We both would be glad to take on the President and Vice President positions because we know how to work together and are able to balance any outcome no matter the result, and we’d like to help the school encourage and promote the sports even more since they are a huge part of our community.”

11th Graders Rosie Amezuca, and Reegan Kuzinar are also running for the ASB positions and they believe that “We’d like to allow students outside of ASB to have a chance to be able to decide what kind of events they would like the school to offer, that way we can receive more participation and ideas.” 

Reegan also mentions how “We’d like to create more types of events that students can be interested in participating in since sometimes certain events are created and not a lot of students end up showing up, and we’d like to change that to get as many people involved.”

In addition, Junior Jaqueline Vasquez running solo for the ASB President position shares that “At first I did have a partner to run with but a change of plans occurred but I still decided to run for the passion I have to help our school avoid unnecessary stress and negativity so everyone at school can feel the support from asb and with my future plans, I hope I can be capable of helping others feel more welcomed and learn in a healthier environment as well.”

She also shares how “The first thing I’d like to change if I win would be to work out the way the school communicates because there is a lot of value in the diversity in our community and I feel that the value is sometimes undermined due to quality and sometimes due to the lack of communication as well, so I’d also like to make the school offer more opportunities and events to collaborate and share the appreciation between students and  help find a way to advocate as well.” 

Though running solo is always a great choice, Juniors Om Desai and milind patel who have been best friends since middle school share that if they win the positions of asb president and vice president they mention how “Since we share similar ideologies and visions over the years, we’ve gotten better at working together and when we got into asb, we knew that we both would be a great team to lead the school.” 

Om also mentions how “Coming from the same community, we know that the students at school, want to be heard and valued more when it comes to their voice, so what we’d like to change if we win would be to offer students a better environment where they can play a bigger part in what goes on around school like specific events, etc.”

Furthermore, we also have Elias Fenig and Seongmin Song running for the very competitive asb positions and they mention how “We know we’d be great Vice President and President because we’ve known each other for a while and we’ve noticed we have a really strong dynamic friendship which we thought we could take advantage of to do great things such as asb.” 

Elias continues by also saying how “If we won we would like to start off by compiling a list of events that ASB has planned to make our school more viewable and we also feel there isn’t enough transparency with the students so we would also like to promote an environment where students communicate better with each and in doing so, we want for them to have a bigger say in our community so we can foster a better school when it comes to spirit and even culture as well.”

So clearly every candidate has only the right intentions to improve our school and create a better environment for students to feel welcome and united. Since they all share a passion for helping our community better.

 Though, like any event, the ASB election has come to an end and have announced that the new ASB President and Vice President for the 2023-2024 school year will be Nayeli Ojeda and Jeronimo Sorto, who are both very excited to be able to change our school into a better academic system and create stronger environments for the students at North Hollywood High School.