What do you get if you mix environmental issues with political factors? North Hollywood Green Club is a newly established club that spreads awareness and knowledge about the different political aspects of the environment to all members.

Eli Gonzales, the founder and president of NHGC, is a Senior in the SAS academy who worked very hard to establish the club this year and is still working to create a plan for the remainder of this club’s school year. “My original motivation to start the club was to talk more about the topics that I was interested in related to the environment. Not many clubs talk about the political side of the environment, so I decided to make my own club to spread awareness about politics in our environment, ” Gonzales states. His prior experience in discussing environmental issues led him to focus more on the interesting problems that were constantly overshadowed by more commonly discussed topics.
NHGC was created to put a new twist on the environmental clubs that have existed on campus in previous years. This club aims to spread awareness about political issues and aspects related to the environment with like-minded members discussing each issue at hand. “I want to raise awareness on important issues about our environment that many people don’t really talk about and build a better society where people focus more on the issues that are important to us but get overshadowed by other topics,” Gonzales explains.
NHGC meets Tuesdays in room NB71 during lunch with new discussions and information on the table with each meeting as well as a roadmap with upcoming plans and activities.
The club has already initiated many starting points such as electing members into roles such as Vice President Johnathan Sarti. “I was one of the first people that Eli told about the beginning of the club and understood why he wanted to create it, so I ran for Vice President of the club to help him out,” Sarti states. The club’s new vice president is working hard to help plan out events and activities for NHGC.
NHGC members have already expressed their interest in the club and the role they play in achieving their goals. Max Koster expressed his favorite aspects of the club and why he is a consistent participant in the club’s activities, “I really like how Eli organized the club and created a Constitution in order to fit the club’s political theme. I was in a club related to the environment last year, so I already know the basics of what this club is all about,” Koster states.
Another NHGC member, Giancarlo Arevalo, expressed his involvement with the community that the club has built so far. “I was also in the same club as Max as well as many of the other members of this club,” states Arevalo. “so I already know a lot of the members in this club and I can socialize with them at each meeting and work well with them when going over any topic,” he continues.
NHGC has already made plans to participate in our school’s upcoming Club Rush event to gain funds to go towards future events and activities for all club members to enjoy. “I feel proud of the work I’ve done to get the club running and I’m very excited for the future of the club and I’m always working ahead to ensure the best for NHGC,” Gonzales states.
NHGC is ready to spread awareness and knowledge about overlooked issues regarding the environment and how our country’s politics play a role in maintaining a stable and suitable environment.