As a member of ASB, I can say that Spirit Week is something that ASB focuses on quite a bit and tries to make it as interesting as possible. The Spirit Commitee puts a lot of thought into choosing the themes of each day.
The Spirit Committee brainstormed a couple of ideas, and they decided on four spirit days this week. The last day, Friday, was chosen by Zoo Crew, so this Spirit Week was a collaboration between ASB and Zoo crew.
When Spirit Committee had decided on the four days, they shared their ideas with the rest of the class and asked our thoughts on them. Most of them got approved, but some were unfortunately changed.

This November, we had a spirit week filled with many different themes for each spirit day, such as Senior Citizen Monday, Farm Fit Tuesday, White Lie Wednesday, Jersey Thursday, and College Friday.
The very first day, Senior Citizen Monday, was actually not supposed to be Senior Citizen day — the original day was supposed to be Millennial Monday, where students would dress up as millennials. Melissa Salinas, a member of ASB and the spirit committee, had said that “I liked Millennial Monday, and it was kinda similar to Senior Citizen Day.”
In the end, Senior Citizen Monday had actually been chosen over Millennial Monday. Addison Leon, stated her view on how the first day of the spirit week went. Leon had said “To be honest, I did not like the first day. I wanted to see more viejitas and viejitos, I was kind of sad, I think tomorrow should be better.”
Salinas also shared her opinion on this spirit week, stating, “To be real with you, I feel like the first day was OK, I feel like this spirit week is more different — unique I guess — than the last one.”
Farm Fit Tuesday was a rather fun one, where students dressed up as a farmer or wore fall colors.
White Lie Wednesday had been different from its current self, much like Senior Citizen Monday. The original day had been Rhyme Without a Reason Wednesday, where you and a friend wear a white shirt that rhymes with one another. One shirt would say, “I’m on a boat,” and the other would say “With a Goat.”
Leon had a different opinion from what had been decided and gave input for the next spirit weeks. “I would have tried to keep Rhyme Without a Reason, I would also like it if our school did more grade level stuff like a grade wears something different.”
Unfortunately, Rhyme Without a Reason had been cut, and White Lie had been crowned as the new spirit day. Rhyme Without a Reason was a bit complicated to understand, and this required several people to coordinate, so it may not have been as interesting for students.
For Thursday, the spirit day that was agreed on was Jersey Thursday. Salinas stated, “I think it’s OK. I guess you get to show whatever you want. I’m not a sports fan, but it is something that a lot of people like so I can see why it became a spirit day.”
Leon said, “This spirit day seems to be well received and should have more people wear the outfit.”
Friday was College Friday, where you wear clothes for the college that you want to go to. This one has been done a couple of times, but it always has a higher rate of people participating in it, so this one would have a positive participation rate.
Fabio Reyna, a student at NHHS said, “I mean, I don’t know, I guess it’s a nice way to show that you support a certain college. I don’t really have any college merch though, so I can’t really wear anything, but I still think it’s a cool idea.”
With all of these spirit days, many Huskies got to show off their Husky Pride, and hopefully, will continue to do so.