Have you ever seen students managing pep rallies or in bright blue shirts? Now is your chance to become part of the team! The Associated Student Body (ASB) is a student-run organization responsible for certain school events such as pep rallies, homecoming, and the school spirit. ASB applications are now open!
By joining ASB, you will be given the opportunity to build leadership skills, be involved in school activities, and contribute to creating a positive school environment. If you are interested in applying, here is a step-by-step guide and helpful tips on how to apply.
Before you apply, it is crucial to understand the obligations ASB comes with. It is an immense commitment even through the application process. ASB is responsible for homecoming, pep rallies, spirit weeks, and much more. Besides the events, ASB representatives serve as the voices of the students.
There are four different cohesive committees when applying; Spirit, Public Relations (PR), Event, and Fundraising. Each one is different depending on what you like to do. It is important to understand what each committee offers before applying, therefore it can be the right fit for you and aligns with your interests
In order to apply for ASB you must meet the following criteria, a GPA of 3.0 or higher, the approval of your counselor, dean, or admin (their signature), willingness to take your fourth-period class to ASB, and the ASB application process. Paper applications are available and must be submitted physically to C115 by February 21st. You will find applications in the main office, Ms. Garcia’s classroom, or as a PDF. Be sure to submit your application on time, since late submissions won’t be accepted. Furthermore, there will be workshops on March 4th and 6th and interviews from March 10th to March 14th. More information will be posted on the official ASB page, @nohoasb on Instagram.
Once you have decided what committee you want to apply to, you can now begin your application. The application includes basic information such as your full name, grade, contact information, your letter of recommendation from a teacher, your counselor’s approval, community hours (if any), and 40 student signatures. This application has four parts; the first would be a set of 6 questions you will need to answer thoroughly. The second part would include an essay portion in which you ask the following prompt, “What type of a leader will you be?” and more. The third part will be both your parents and your consent. Lastly, at the end, there is a petition and a page in which you will be able to pick the committee that you are interested in joining.

After completing the application, be sure to double-check for any mistakes. Carefully follow the instructions and make sure all required materials are submitted before the deadline. Lastly, submit your application!
Attending the interviews and workshops is essential. You will be asked various questions about your qualifications and interests during the interview. Be prepared to express why you want to be part of ASB. The chairs leading this would be Junior Jerry Yang, Junior, Sean Lee, and Junior Daphne Marin. Some advice from senior ASB vice president Tatiana Amaya, “Just do your best and don’t hold back on your personality. It is a test to see you as a person so show us the true version of yourself.”
Here are some tips for applicants, by former senior ASB member Cyan Flores. “Make the most of the process and enjoy every moment, especially the chance to meet new friends during the workshops. Being yourself is the best way to feel comfortable and confident in ASB. Don’t be afraid to step up and share your ideas. Everyone’s unique perspective is valuable. Embrace the experience, and remember, the more fun you have, the more you’ll grow and enjoy the journey.”
Senior ASB member Angelique Hernandez adds, “Do it because you actually want to do it because if not the work does get to you. The stresses get to you and if you don’t want to be there, you can tell that you don’t want to be there. It just makes it miserable because if you do something you are going to do it because you are forced to do it. So my motivation would be to do it because you truly want to be there.”
Applying for ASB is beneficial in many ways. Not only will you contribute to your school community, but you will create long-lasting relationships with others. At the same time building leadership skills, will be beneficial for your future. By following this step-by-step guide, you will be able to submit your complete application thoroughly. As senior ASB president, Areli Martin says, “Be yourself.” Doing this will help you get far in the process. Good luck!